Access to FOREVER data

This page includes necessary information for researchers who would like to use the FOREVER dataset for research. The information is not yet complete, but we are working hard to have a complete overview by the end of this year (2024). In the meantime, all information that you as a researcher might miss can be requested via email to

Application process

The FOREVER dataset contains personal sensitive information, therefore, access to the dataset can only be granted after an application has been submitted to the FOREVER steering group. Soon, we will provide an application form for external researchers here.

The FOREVER steering group will review applications and contact the applicant regarding approval, amendments or rejection. After a positive decision, a data access agreement must be signed to get access to a secure compute environment. Please note that the data cannot be copied from the server, however, the access fee includes support for creating your personal subset of the dataset and to also help you with moving necessary files onto the server. A complete checklist will be provided upon request or after a positive decision.

The application form will ask you to enter the unique identifiers of the variables you are interested in. At the moment, a metadata overview is not publicly available but can be requested via email to It consists of an overview of the variables included in the data along with a description and a unique identifier for each variable. Please note that not all variables contain a value for each examination or participant. A complete overview of available entries will be provided at a later stage. For now, we will discuss the availability and completeness of certain variables upon request. The database will be registered on during this year (2024).

If you have any questions regarding the application process, feel free to reach out to us by sending an email to

Terms of use:

The rules of using the dataset are stated in the “data access agreement”. The rules include:

  • How to handle the data
  • The access procedure
  • An overview of the costs of using the data
  • How to cite the dataset

The newest version of the contract can be requested from but it will also be provided on this website during this year (2024). 

Before any access for research is allowed, a “secure server access agreement” needs to be signed by the researcher who is to work with the data.